About the blog

My main goal of this blog is to spread the knowledge! I will be posting here my code, analyses, tutorials and tech news from the field of advanced analytics. If you seek Python tricks, ideas or approaches to a data problem, or basics of a BI tools – this is the place for you!

About me:

I used to work in Microsoft in Poland as an Business Analyst and discovered there this cool niche of Business Intelligence/Data Insight. I went all in learning the tools, programming, approaches etc. Then I had an opportunity to try it in practice in consulting in Accenture, where I worked for almost a year. Now I have decided to try to work in a small company – Clouds on Mars. I develop end-to-end Big Data solutions using Microsoft technology. Currently I am working mainly on Azure using Data Factory, Machine Learning and DWH to deliver a working data insight platforms for the clients.

If you have any questions, suggestions or you see an error – let me know!